I absolutely love breakfast, it is by far my favourite meal of the day. Mornings these days can be a bit more of a rush, so I have got back into the habit of making overnight oats. It's handy for when Finn's had his breakfast and is happily playing, so I can grab it out of the fridge and all the prep is done! It's also a good start to my day with plenty of fruit and fibre. I don't always use yogurt in there because I like it with the oat/soya milk and chia seeds on their own, but there are plenty of recipe ideas online if you wanted to try it. I do my first few with fresh berries and then switch to frozen berries once I've used those up. We have a strawberry plant which has done really well so it's been nice to use a few of those on my breakfast! I ordered the chia seeds in a bulk pack for £6.99 on Amazon last month and I think this should last at least 3 months, maybe more - so it is a lot cheaper than buying them in the supermarket. Plus porridge oats are usually less than £1 for a bulk bag.
These are a few of the things that help us stay on top of things and make life a bit easier. With the cost of living as it is, I know we are all trying to find ways to reduce our waste and make things stretch a bit further. We have been shopping mainly at Lidl for the last few months and have found several things that we prefer from there and it is generally cheaper than if we go anywhere else. This week I actually came in UNDER budget which never happens and I was more excited than I should've been! I'd love to hear of any recipes you've been enjoying, or any slow cooker tips if you have any!
Sarah x
P.s. my Honey Garlic Chicken was a huge success - so tasty and definitely going on the menu!