It's hard to believe how fast time is flying by at the moment. I had heard people say that once children are in the picture that the "days are long but the years are short," and I can already see so much truth in that. I can't believe we already have a 9 month old who is growing by the second. We have a pretty set routine by now, which I think is helping us all to keep the rhythm of the house going. Finn especially is thriving in having his patterns and is most definitely a homebird like his Dad! Sometimes it makes our windows of opportunity to go out on trips a little smaller as he loves his naps, but I know that won't last forever, so we are adapting to that and sticking to what works for now. I think it's important to be honest and say that sometimes motherhood in these early stages can get a little lonely, and I don't have the time to give to friendships in the same way that I used to, but Tom and I talk about this a lot and we are going to try find a better balance of that. 
I went back to work part-time when Finn was 3 months old, which was a big adjustment, but it was the right decision for us. I am extremely grateful to have a job that is so flexible and allows me to be at home. I really enjoy working and it helps us keep the household afloat at a time where finances are so stretched. I like the focus it brings me and the feeling that I'm contributing to something bigger than myself. It also helps that I've always truly loved the line of work I'm in, so it doesn't feel like such a chore to be doing it. We are now in a place where I work out of the house one day a week, Finn is at nursery for my half day and he gets to spend time with his beloved "Ninny" (Great-Grandma) for my other day. In order for both Tom and I to work, we have sacrificed some of our time off together as a three - we currently only have one day a week to go out and enjoy family trips, but we are getting better at planning more intentional time off together so we can all make some memories and have much needed downtime.
I think all of the above; life rotating around nap times and feeding times, working, cleaning, cooking - all the things it takes to make our family work, is what is making time go so quickly! Over the last few months, I have taken Finn along to several different classes and groups, but I find that he is happiest when he is in his own surroundings, so for now I am giving that a break. We still go out every day for a walk or we play in the garden as he loves being outdoors, and I still like the chance to sit in a coffee shop for a change of scenery. I really struggle with 'cabin-fever' if I spend more than a day in the house, so I know it's important for my well-being to get out each day, even if for a short time. As we spend more time at home, I'm finding that I have more time to myself as our days together are more predictable, so I have been trying to think of ways to fill those gaps, as well as finding time to rest. 
I keep going through phases of reading, which is a pastime I've always enjoyed. I keep testing out fiction, but it is almost always a memoir that will get me hooked to the point I can't put the book down. I'm just a non-fiction reader! I've been going to a local slow cooker group as part of SureStart, which has been my favourite group so far, and that has re-inspired me to try new things in the kitchen. I find the slow cooker so handy because it takes usually less than 30 minutes to prep everything in the morning, or when Finn is occupied and then it is ready for us to enjoy in the evening. It's also a much more econmical option, as well as there being less to tidy up afterwards! I made a chicken curry packed with vegetables tonight and it was devoured! Besides that, I've been spending time in the garden which is becoming more of a hobby of mine, although most of our pots were almost destroyed in some recent strong winds! I've been learning about which plants I like and disklike, which ones to put together in a pot and which will grow to take up all the space! Our strawberry plant and blueberry bush are doing particularly well this year so that has been quite satisfying.
We will soon be having a week off together just to relax and do some nice, quiet things to help us all refresh and recharge. Tom is going to take over a bit so I can have some time with friends and still get my day out of the house. There are a few workshops coming up in the summer that I'd like to try out to see if I can find a new hobby that might entertain me either at home or as part of a group. I'd like to find something to do with my hands...something crafty or kitchen related. I've seen a bread-making class that I'm tempted by as I'd love to learn how to make some of the more traditional breads found in Ireland, and I know I have a very willing taste-tester in the house!
As I sit and reflect on how much life has changed since our boy arrived, I don't see any of it as a negative. I feel more content now than I ever have, and I love watching Finn thrive in his safe space and familiarity. Our life is slower than I've been used to, and sometimes I can feel myself wanting to be busy instead of making the most of this more peaceful season. But I am truly grateful for everything about this stage we are in, even though it of course has it's fair share of hard and exhausting moments, usually on the daily. But, as I stand and watch the joy on my sweet sons's face as he sits in a swing, with the wind in his hair, it reminds me that those times are what it's all about, and that this is where I'm supposed to be.
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