The concept of action has been very much on my mind lately. I think it follows recent thoughts and ramblings about life being too short and all that. Once the concept of living whilst you have life has sunk in, it's time to get moving. I think in life, some people are thinkers and some people are doers. But I think, you can in-fact be a bit of both. I know this, because I am. Sometimes I have a battle because I love thinking, I love daydreaming and reflecting and sitting. But then I began to think, who is this thinking helping? What use is this if I'm not going to do anything? As I am still waiting for employment, I have quite a bit of time on my hands. So, in between job applications and searches I thought I would do something useful. And it seems to have sparked a few other people to do the same. I could see this time as annoying, because I really want to be working (which I DO!) or I could see it as a blessing and use it whilst I have it.
Plans are in motion for various fundraisers, a new group at Church is starting for the young girls and I just went to our first bake club, which seems like it is going to expand to various other exciting things. What I would like to say is that if you really want to do something, then you may need to stop waiting and thinking and just get on with it! Sorry if that is a bit blunt, but if you don't move into action then it 'aint gonna happen on its own! Use the people around you, the community of which you are a part and start something up, set the wheels in motion and see where it goes.
I spoke at Church on Sunday about Faith. Sometimes things take Faith. Sometimes, things take a little Faith and sometimes, thinks take a great big fat dollop of Faith. But they all have to start somewhere - and how are we to know where it goes, if we never let it begin? We need the right people around us who will say 'I will help you do that' or on the contrary they may say 'that is a completely ridiculous idea,' both of these are helpful and at times necessary. If you are to lead a project, you need to have vision. You need to be enthusiastic, as this will motivate the people around you. You need to know your facts. You need to be committed to see your idea through and you may need to be prepared for it to go beyond your wildest dreams. It takes a bit of Faith, whatever it is - to step out of the boat. If you try something out and it doesn't work - Oh Well! (See my earlier post for further thoughts on this!) Try it a different way, or at a different time, in a different place, with different people. Don't be afraid or overwhelmed, for we never know what may happen unless we try! Don't get caught up in watching other people do stuff, wishing you could do the same because you can.
I think my new life's motto is this: GO FOR IT.
Much Love xxx
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