Following my post re: New Year, I've decided to make a few 'head' changes. I deactivated one of my social networks the other day as a way of cutting all the time I spend trawling through posts by people I barely know and instead inputting my time into those who are closest to me so that I can know them really well. I've noticed i'm not the only one going this way as a few people have done the same. It feels as if I've gone back in time, back to the years before all this internet nonsense got in the way of real and true friendships.
It's not the only thing it's bad for. I've spoken time and again about the way we spend our lives comparing ourselves to others. Social networking has a way of making us feel better about ourselves by throwing our personal lives all over the internet to see how many 'likes' we can get. Our insecurities are not going to be resolved this way. It might be a temporary fix that 70 people said Happy Birthday to us, but that doesn't make those people true friends, who would be there when you need them.
You see, I've reached a place where honesty is always going to be the best policy. (Unfortunately, once I've had a drink or two, it gets worse.)
“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”
There's just no point in pretending anymore! Why do we do it?! We were chatting last night in the pub, about how when you're in a relationship and your partner annoys you - you will most likely tell them, yet in our friendships we rarely do the same thing. Not only this, but if we aren't open with our friends - how are they ever able to truly help us? If there aren't some people in the world that we can be real with then how can we ever be ourselves? Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies!
So this year; I am going to write more letters, drink more coffees, keep it real, make more phone calls and focus on those whom I truly love. I am going to forget about fear, and take courage in my own decisions without feeling like I have to explain myself to everyone. I am also going to love more.
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
P.s. I found this great website the other day which has spent many an hour inspiring me: look here :)
Much Love xxx
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