Goodbye, 2012!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

I suppose a New Years post was inevitable! I love new years, I always feel such hope and a sense of a new beginning - and though people complain that it's all about the hype - they need to try harder to maintain that excitement! It's been a while since I have written anyway, mainly because I feel i've left little time to think lately. 2012 was a very interesting year, full of lots of big things; sad endings and the closing of great chapters, I felt the sadness of difficulties experienced by loved ones close to me, had amazing adventures in 4 different countries, finally finished reading the Twilight Saga (ha!), made new friendships, restored old ones, moved back to Yorkshire, started the job search (still ongoing), became a graduate and started drinking Whiskey.

Looking at the start of a New Year, I'm hoping that 2013 will make more sense to me than 2012 did. It was all very unsettled, which didn't feel very comfortable or natural for me. I'm hoping that I will know, at least for a short time that I am stationed in one place. I am beginning to see the importance of just gaining a bit of life experience and living a quiet life for a while. At the core of me, that's what I've always yearned for anyway! This year, I want to focus mainly on being the best friend that I can be - making sure I spend good quality time with those who mean the most to me because in the long run, that's what truly makes a difference. I learnt a lot in 2012 about patience so waiting for a great job wont seem so hard, as long as in the meantime I have something to keep me occupied!

One thing that's really been on my mind I guess throws everything up in the air. I realised lately that I hardly ever make decisions based purely on what I think is right for me. I always feel that I have to explain myself to everyone around me, perhaps because my friends can be very vocal about what they think is right for me. Whilst I appreciate their input, I no longer want to feel guilty that I am making wrong decisions based on what they think rather than what I think. After all, I have one short life to make the most of - and I don't want to have regrets. So, I have made a couple of decisions that are potential game changers, that feel totally right. I need some space to evaluate, and work out what my Faith is for myself. I don't want to base it on other people's interpretations or opinions, I want to know what it really means for me. I've never really let myself have that before! I will no longer feel that I have to explain my decisions, though people may want other things for me - I am allowed to chose where to go and what to do as much as everybody else is! Good friends support each others decisions, and if their concerns are legitimate I will of course pay attention to them, if not - I wont! Ha.

Other than that - I'd like to see more of the world, love more, laugh more, bake more and live more - being thankful for everyday in this crazy world of uncertainty. Thank you for everything, 2012.

Bring it on 2013.

Much Love xxx

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