This Weeks Roundup.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

If you know me, you will be aware of my strange obsession with cowboys. I don't really know what started it all, I guess it must have been my first trip to Arizona about 7 years ago. The sites I saw in that state felt like another world to me. The obsession grew after my second trip, where we went back to Tucson but also explored Utah - which you can read about here. Anyway, a friend 'tweeted' me this week to tell me about an exhibition in a museum in a city close to us that had my name all over it. The exhibition is called 'Wild West Outlaws' but there didn't seem to be that much going on inside the museum, it was more what was going on outside! Today, they had a live gunfight - which nearly gave everyone a heart attack as they started it off by shooting a rather large shotgun without warning. Everyone was in costume, and there was a Chuckwagon where they were cooking stew on a dutch oven. Here are some pictures:

The Gunfight.

Right before the majority of the cowboys were 'shot.'

The Stew Cookin' Coffee Brewin' Cowboys.

Me, with my Cowboy Coffee.

Inside the Museum.

I love this photo!

I cannot get enough of these things.
We were a bit early to watch the films they were showing so we had a bit of lunch and then walked into Leeds. I went in Cath Kidston and managed NOT to buy a single thing. I hate being sensible.

Other things I did this week were:

I Baked Cupcakes - Vanilla with hidden raspberry jam.

Make my first ever batch of fudge (needs perfecting.)

Saw Die Hard 5 - AMAZING.

I also read a VERY interesting article that I wanted to share with you all. Follow this link to read it. Though the content may not make a lot of sense to my American readers - the message is still important. To fill you in - this week, one of the big scandals in this country being exposed by the media is that companies have been selling some frozen foods disguised as beef when they actually contain horse meat. Though I do agree that it is outrageous, there are more pressing hidden secrets in the food supply chain. I'm so glad someone has taken the time to right this article, because it is not only the content of the food that should be honest, but also the way in which it is produced - are people being paid a fair wage? Are they being forced to work? Are they being treated correctly? Were they brought to this country under false pretence? Human Trafficking IS modern day slavery, and it exists in many different forms. Here is a clip from the article:

'More people will probably have to die before slavery becomes as urgent an issue to politicians as the horse meat affair. A pity, because it is by far the greater scandal.'

What can we do to put an end to it?

Much Love xxx

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'You Learn by Living' Part 3 - Individuality.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Learning how to 'be' yourself is something I am really interested in. It's funny how hard it is to do in such a judgemental society, one that is always telling us that we 'need' this, or that to be beautiful. That this miracle product will magically stop us from looking older, our eyes will look less puffy, our hair will be shinier or we will attract more men/women if we use a certain type of body spray. We are constantly bombarded with ways that we can improve instead of ways to help us be comfortable with who we actually are. If we aren't careful, we so easily conform to act in ways that society deems the norm and we lose ourselves. 

'We are facing a great danger today. The loss of our's your life - but only if you make it so.'

So often when we are trying to make a decision, one of our biggest worries is 'what will other people think.' I remember when I was getting ready for a wedding recently (I get invited to a LOT of weddings) and for weeks I freaked out about the dress I had. It had everything that I loved in a dress. It had roses on it, and lace and went in at the waist. It was about knee length and could be worn comfortably with tights and nice shoes. But all I could think was 'will everyone think it's not formal enough for a wedding?' 'Will they think I didn't try hard enough to make an effort?' Even on the DAY BEFORE the wedding I spent the whole day in town searching for another dress that might be a bit more posh. In the end I stuck to my first choice. I got to the wedding and saw someone in jeans and then realised how much time I wasted thinking about such a ridiculous 'problem.' But we think like this more often than we realise. Probably on a daily basis. But we need to stop it! 

'It is a brave thing to have courage to be an individual, it is also, perhaps, a lonely thing. But it is better than not being an individual, which is to be nobody at all.'

A lot of this decision making, whether small or large, comes from a place of confidence within ourselves. I'm sure if you know me, even a little - you will have learnt a few key things about me quite quickly. I love America, tea, baking, flowers/floral prints, babies and cowboys. I am a Christian and I spend most of my spare time in coffee shops talking to people. Due to the fact that I know my tastes, people are always telling me that I'm easy to buy for...which is nice because I always make use of the gifts people give me. This kind of confidence took a while to grow, but these are the things that make me who I am. 

'Of course, this means you must have a certain confidence in your own taste. And here, I think is the key to much conformity - the lack of self-confidence that makes people fearful of following their own bent.'

Once we are confident in being ourselves, we need to let go of other fears. As we become stronger, and more able to make our own decisions - we must stop worrying what other people will think of us. I have personally struggled with this a lot recently. I've been muddling through, trying to make decisions when I have no control over what is going on. I knew there were certain things I wasn't ready for, such as moving away again or stepping into a full time Youth Work career. Of course, where I have ended up at present is not where I would've put myself but I'm enjoying the moment. I have time to work and see my friends/remain involved in working with young people plus other activities that I have found myself being a part of. I have been able to read, bake and create. I have had time to rebuild and be strengthened. All of this, I am so thankful for. It has been hard to try and explain this to others but one thing that has become apparent is this: 'if people believe in you, they will trust your motives.' I need to do what I know needs to be done, and I do not have to answer to people for my chosen actions. 

'Sooner or later, you are bound to discover that you cannot please all of the people around you all of the time. So you had better learn fairly early that you must not expect to have everyone understand what you say and what you do.'

One good way of making sure that you stick to this is by setting boundaries for yourself. Whether that be with work, home, friends, Church, family etc. If I have a day off, I work hard to make sure that I do nothing specific to my job. That time is mine, to spend how I wish with who I wish and I am responsible for ensuring that I make the most of it. If I am with a friend over coffee, I try hard not to respond to texts/phone calls from other people because that is my time to give to that one person. Everytime I go to the cinema, I switch my phone off and get lost in the movie...that's one of my favourite things to do (even though those 2 hours are the time when the whole WORLD wants to get in touch with me!) My phone goes into 'Do not Disturb' mode at 10pm so I generally don't respond until the morning unless it's an emergency. These are my ways of making sure I take a bit of time to look after myself so that I don't burnout, because then I am useless to everyone!

'Success must include 2 things: the development of an individual to his utmost potentiality and a contribution of some kind to one's world.'

I am not adding to the world's message of 'it's all about me, me, me.' The reasons I am writing this are that learning to be confident in who we are and the decisions we make should in turn, allow us to make a good contribution to the world in which we live. We will not be held back by fear and insecurity, rather we will be free to be who we were created to be and will naturally encourage others to do the same. I believe we all have a responsibility to do something useful with our lives, to educate ourselves on what is going on in the world and to offer our skills/gifts/talents to people that will truly benefit from them. To do this, we need each other. I cannot change the world single handedly, I wasn't created to do that. However when I join the work of other people that share similar passions that I do, we can make a collective difference.

'The knowledge of how little you can do alone teaches you humility.'

I have reached this place not through my own strength or my own merit. I have been incredibly blessed to do life with people who speak wisdom, who act as great friends or role models, who inspire me and speak truth to me. I couldn't, and wouldn't WANT to do life alone. Though I am an individual, I am also in community and have something to GIVE as well as to RECEIVE.

'God said, “It’s not good for the Man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.” Genesis 2:18

Much Love xxx

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Recipes I've 'Pinned' and Tried.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Due to my recent string of success through finding recipes that actually worked on Pintrest, I thought it was about time I shared a few of them. It seems that whatever craving one might have, there is a recipe for it somewhere in the depths of these virtual pin boards. I love having great recipes that I haven't gotten round to writing down anywhere yet all stored in one place where they can't get lost (or covered in cake mixture as usually happens.)

1) My first success of late has been the 'cookie in a cup.' Normally, I'm not a fan of microwaves and hardly ever use them unless i'm quickly reheating a dessert or something, but on this occasion I quite fancied a cookie but didn't have much time to bake one. I found a few pins that would make 2 cookies but then the link below it caught my eye:
Here is the recipe I used.
It turned out surprisingly tasty and was ready in under a minute. I couldn't finish it all because it was actually quite big in the cup so I saved some for later. It tastes best when it's warm though!

Here is my cookie in the cup!
2) Though I do generally swear by The Hummingbird Bakery vanilla cupcake recipe, I found another website that I liked the look of and tried their version. The joy of baking is a great website that has lots of great video tutorials and tips for making great cake! I highly recommend this recipe, though I still think the Hummingbird Bakery's frosting is the best on earth.

3) The next find comes from Martha Stewart, one of my all round heros. I've baked quite a few of her recipes including this one that I added to pintrest. It was such an easy and rather yummy cake, but I didn't add any frosting. 

4) My favourite find has to be 'Sally's Baking Addiction.' Though this American concept of using 'ready made mixture' as a valid ingredient when baking cakes is something completely alien to me - a lot of her recipes look really fun. The first one I've tried has been Dark Chocolate, Banana and Raspberry Bread. This cake disappeared in about the time it took to bake it. I did find that it was really hard to tell if it was baked or not due to all the melty ingredients but thankfully, it wasn't raw in the middle. I took half of it on a trip to see my old University buddy and it went down very well there too. I will be making it again for sure!

Apologies for the bad quality photos! My banana bread!

5) This website also has some great tips, after I saw the sauce drizzling one, I put some of those bottles on my Christmas list and can't wait to use them! Much neater and easier than using piping bags and such like.

6) Of course my board is also full of pins from The Pioneer Woman. She has made some amazing looking Sheet Cakes but before I can start on those, I need to find a cake pan big enough! That is next on my kitchen 'to buy' list.

7) A while ago, I bought a Bundt Cake tin and have been busy collecting recipes to make for that. I'd like that to be my next experiment - i'm thinking blueberry would be a nice place to start so i'm swaying towards this recipe: Blueberry Almond.

If you'd like to see my ever growing 'Cakies and Bakies' board - check it out right here.

Much Love xxx

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