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I bought these from Etsy |
I'm sure we all feel the same, but I've been sat wondering where this year has disappeared to. We found out that baby #2 was on the way back in April, but decided this time to make sure everything was looking OK at our 12 week scan before we shared the news with anyone. That's perhaps one of the reasons this pregnancy has absolutely flown by, but I suppose that life is also much busier than it was the first time around. Finn is keeping us very busy with his curious, active mind, and we still have the same responsibilities of work and running our home, with added hospital/midwife/doctor appointments so each week has felt very full. My nesting instincts this time have felt pretty strong, but in a different way than with Finn. I remember obsessively cleaning the bathroom every night before bed and having everything in his nursery meticulously organised. This time around I know we have time post-birth to get the baby room sorted because he will sleep in our room for the first few months, and all his clothes are already washed and ready to go. We do need to get some things back out of storage, but I've focussed on the bigger things we needed like a double buggy, cosy wintery clothes and a better moses basket that should last longer this time. Instead of the things I obsessed over last time like baby toiletries (most of which I donated because Finn has sensitive skin/eczema so we only really use one brand or prescription cream), I've been trying to stock up on pantry items so we have easy things to cook & reach for when we need it post-partum. We have the added benefit of knowing the things we actually needed for Finn, so that has helped cut out a lot of unnecessary spending, which is a blessing because our budget will be very tight! Everything in me wants to hibernate at this point, and I feel happiest when I'm at home, in my matching pyjama set (secretly hoping Santa might bring me more PJs!) with a hot chocolate. Our festive decorations have been up a while because it helps me feel so cosy, and I can't even say how many Hallmark movies I've already watched and it's not yet December. We are trying to cut down on gifts this year and keep everything minimal as we need to prepare for me going on Maternity Leave. We are focusing on the theme of "Something to read, do, share, wear, need and want," which has meant sticking to a budget and not going overboard. I wanted to start this now so we can continue this tradition down the line and not give in to the pressure of overspending at this time of year. I think it also makes you shop more creatively which is fun! I've also taken a break from social media which usually helps me focus on being present, and takes another distraction away (or temptation to shop based on whatever has come up in my feed!) I do this fairly regularly when my brain is feeling a bit overloaded, but it's also nice to not feel compelled to share so much about my daily life and just enjoy whatever each day brings.
I can feel myself getting pretty tired at this point, so I am trying really hard not to push myself but instead find ways to make life easier. That has meant switching to online grocery shopping, saving trips until the weekend so we can go together, or doing a lot of my Christmas shopping spread across the last few months and wrapping as I go, so most of that is already taken care of. I'm still taking Finn out for a walk every day which is good for both of us, but I've cut down on extra trips throughout the week as it is a bit of a strain for me to get him in and out of things or up and down the stairs all day. In my mind, I almost feel like I'm admitting defeat much sooner than I did last pregnancy, but in reality, we truly haven't had a week without extra appointments, random things going wrong in the house, sickness (and therefore extra Dr visits), disturbed nights due to teething and everything in-between. I have possibly mentioned this before, but we live fairly far from most things, so any trip to the hospital is about 40 minutes there and back and requires extra planning this time around as Finn likes to see what's going on and roam around, so it's easier not to take him! This week I have picked up a version of what Finn is at the tail end of, which means a sore throat and feeling rundown so we are preparing for a slow and easy weekend. For now, I'm going back to my bubble as we take time to slow down, enjoy everything about the festive season and get ready for the arrival of baby boy. Lots of love, Sarah x
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On nesting and preparing.
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Meal planning
slow cooker
In my recent post, I mentioned about how much a routine has been helping all of us but I thought I'd share a bit more about how being organised is a big part of that. I am by no means perfect at this, and some weeks I do it better than others, but there are several things that for me have become non-negotiable in terms of keeping up with family life, so I thought I'd share a few small things that have been helping us!
Weekly Reset A while ago, I bought a magnetic planner to stick on the side of the fridge which has space to show daily activity, shopping list, to-lists and boxes for notes/daily meals. Every Sunday, we clear the planner and look to the week ahead. It's so handy for when we run out of something mid-week because we can make a note straight away on the shopping list, and there's always a reminder of what we need to be cooking that day. Sometimes it changes - I don't stick to it ruthlessly - but for the most part it does stay as planned. It's also handy for adding reminders like appointments coming up, deadlines for things, birthdays etc. I use this instead of a calendar now and I suppose it's more sustainable because I'm not using paper - this should last us for years!
Meal Planning/Shopping Lists As part of the reset, we plan our meals for the week/10 days ahead. We try and stretch our shopping beyond a week (as things are getting more expensive!) so I have become quite creative about how I do that. One of our favourite things at the moment is the ready made pizza bases from Lidl which are £1.99 for two - we add their pizza sauce which is about £1.60 and then whatever toppings we fancy. They have a long use-by date and it makes a really cheap and tasty meal for us. I can never finish mine so I have it for lunch the next day too! We don't eat ready meals as I prefer to cook things fresh, but we do have a 'freezer' night when our fresh food pile is lower. Plus sometimes it just hits the spot! Last weekend I set a bit of time aside to look for some new recipe inspiration, so this week we are trying some new dishes from Taming Twins which I am looking forward to! I try to mix it up a bit so we don't eat exactly the same thing every week and I try save the more time consuming dishes like lasagne (I make it all from scratch bar the actual pasta!) to days when I'm not working. I then write the shopping list based on our meal plan so I know exactly what we need for the week. We can then top it up in-between, usually from a local shop as we live about a 25 minute drive from the nearest supermarket.
Slow Cooker I recently went to a 4 week slow cooker course in my local area which was run by SureStart and it really re-inspired me to get the crockpot back out! They very generously provided us with a slow cooker, which we have used weekly ever since. I had a much smaller one previously which was never big enough for the amount I tried to throw in there!! For me, our slow cooker is one of the best things we own. It is so easy, so economical and saves so much time. I've found it's a great way to get more veg in our diet too, as that usually bulks the meals out and allows us to use less meat. I love being able to throw everything in there with minimal prep and then I know dinner is sorted. All of this saves precious time in a busy week. For example, I just prepared dinner (Honey Chilli Chicken) in exactly 7 minutes - I just need to cook the rice when we are ready to eat! Most people use them for soups and stews, but I also do jacket potatoes, curries, meat (our favourite is the worlds easiest pulled chicken) and I'm going to try out some other dishes this week. I've also seen people use it for cakes/desserts and even hot chocolate but I haven't tried that yet! I'm going to try this beef brisket recipe on Sunday. Fingers crossed!
Overnight Oats
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On being more organised.
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
I absolutely love breakfast, it is by far my favourite meal of the day. Mornings these days can be a bit more of a rush, so I have got back into the habit of making overnight oats. It's handy for when Finn's had his breakfast and is happily playing, so I can grab it out of the fridge and all the prep is done! It's also a good start to my day with plenty of fruit and fibre. I don't always use yogurt in there because I like it with the oat/soya milk and chia seeds on their own, but there are plenty of recipe ideas online if you wanted to try it. I do my first few with fresh berries and then switch to frozen berries once I've used those up. We have a strawberry plant which has done really well so it's been nice to use a few of those on my breakfast! I ordered the chia seeds in a bulk pack for £6.99 on Amazon last month and I think this should last at least 3 months, maybe more - so it is a lot cheaper than buying them in the supermarket. Plus porridge oats are usually less than £1 for a bulk bag.
These are a few of the things that help us stay on top of things and make life a bit easier. With the cost of living as it is, I know we are all trying to find ways to reduce our waste and make things stretch a bit further. We have been shopping mainly at Lidl for the last few months and have found several things that we prefer from there and it is generally cheaper than if we go anywhere else. This week I actually came in UNDER budget which never happens and I was more excited than I should've been! I'd love to hear of any recipes you've been enjoying, or any slow cooker tips if you have any!
Sarah x
P.s. my Honey Garlic Chicken was a huge success - so tasty and definitely going on the menu!
It's hard to believe how fast time is flying by at the moment. I had heard people say that once children are in the picture that the "days are long but the years are short," and I can already see so much truth in that. I can't believe we already have a 9 month old who is growing by the second. We have a pretty set routine by now, which I think is helping us all to keep the rhythm of the house going. Finn especially is thriving in having his patterns and is most definitely a homebird like his Dad! Sometimes it makes our windows of opportunity to go out on trips a little smaller as he loves his naps, but I know that won't last forever, so we are adapting to that and sticking to what works for now. I think it's important to be honest and say that sometimes motherhood in these early stages can get a little lonely, and I don't have the time to give to friendships in the same way that I used to, but Tom and I talk about this a lot and we are going to try find a better balance of that. I went back to work part-time when Finn was 3 months old, which was a big adjustment, but it was the right decision for us. I am extremely grateful to have a job that is so flexible and allows me to be at home. I really enjoy working and it helps us keep the household afloat at a time where finances are so stretched. I like the focus it brings me and the feeling that I'm contributing to something bigger than myself. It also helps that I've always truly loved the line of work I'm in, so it doesn't feel like such a chore to be doing it. We are now in a place where I work out of the house one day a week, Finn is at nursery for my half day and he gets to spend time with his beloved "Ninny" (Great-Grandma) for my other day. In order for both Tom and I to work, we have sacrificed some of our time off together as a three - we currently only have one day a week to go out and enjoy family trips, but we are getting better at planning more intentional time off together so we can all make some memories and have much needed downtime. I think all of the above; life rotating around nap times and feeding times, working, cleaning, cooking - all the things it takes to make our family work, is what is making time go so quickly! Over the last few months, I have taken Finn along to several different classes and groups, but I find that he is happiest when he is in his own surroundings, so for now I am giving that a break. We still go out every day for a walk or we play in the garden as he loves being outdoors, and I still like the chance to sit in a coffee shop for a change of scenery. I really struggle with 'cabin-fever' if I spend more than a day in the house, so I know it's important for my well-being to get out each day, even if for a short time. As we spend more time at home, I'm finding that I have more time to myself as our days together are more predictable, so I have been trying to think of ways to fill those gaps, as well as finding time to rest. I keep going through phases of reading, which is a pastime I've always enjoyed. I keep testing out fiction, but it is almost always a memoir that will get me hooked to the point I can't put the book down. I'm just a non-fiction reader! I've been going to a local slow cooker group as part of SureStart, which has been my favourite group so far, and that has re-inspired me to try new things in the kitchen. I find the slow cooker so handy because it takes usually less than 30 minutes to prep everything in the morning, or when Finn is occupied and then it is ready for us to enjoy in the evening. It's also a much more econmical option, as well as there being less to tidy up afterwards! I made a chicken curry packed with vegetables tonight and it was devoured! Besides that, I've been spending time in the garden which is becoming more of a hobby of mine, although most of our pots were almost destroyed in some recent strong winds! I've been learning about which plants I like and disklike, which ones to put together in a pot and which will grow to take up all the space! Our strawberry plant and blueberry bush are doing particularly well this year so that has been quite satisfying.
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On establishing a new rhythm.
Saturday, 8 July 2023
We will soon be having a week off together just to relax and do some nice, quiet things to help us all refresh and recharge. Tom is going to take over a bit so I can have some time with friends and still get my day out of the house. There are a few workshops coming up in the summer that I'd like to try out to see if I can find a new hobby that might entertain me either at home or as part of a group. I'd like to find something to do with my hands...something crafty or kitchen related. I've seen a bread-making class that I'm tempted by as I'd love to learn how to make some of the more traditional breads found in Ireland, and I know I have a very willing taste-tester in the house!
As I sit and reflect on how much life has changed since our boy arrived, I don't see any of it as a negative. I feel more content now than I ever have, and I love watching Finn thrive in his safe space and familiarity. Our life is slower than I've been used to, and sometimes I can feel myself wanting to be busy instead of making the most of this more peaceful season. But I am truly grateful for everything about this stage we are in, even though it of course has it's fair share of hard and exhausting moments, usually on the daily. But, as I stand and watch the joy on my sweet sons's face as he sits in a swing, with the wind in his hair, it reminds me that those times are what it's all about, and that this is where I'm supposed to be.
home design
I know there's a common message about January, that it lasts about 234,857 days, but for me, this month has flown by. As I said previously, we were working on rearranging the house & it finally feels like that project is about completed. It's funny with things like this, you really see your true personalities coming out. I learnt again that I just want to push really hard & get it all done as soon as possible, & Tom has a much more laid back/last minute (!) approach, which about partway through the project caused us to pause, re-group & come up with a plan to power through. It was so hard to know what to do first because in-between caring for Finn & taking him to classes, Tom working full-time, me working part-time & the rest of the everyday house jobs needing to be done, it was a LOT to manage! Every room in the house felt chaotic to me because there were boxes, bags, clothes, toys & everything else everywhere.
Given that we now have lots of extra toys/clothes/blankets, and all the other "stuff" that comes with a baby in the house, we soon realised we just didn't have enough storage, so that was what we focussed on. We only painted one room, & we decided after originally prepping the small room as Finn's room that it wouldn't be big enough for him, so we did all the work of getting the bigger bedroom ready for him to move into in a few months now before we have a crawler on our hands!! We have now created a small office space & will soon move our beloved changing table away so we can free up the rest of the office room to store other things. I've been going out finding cheap storage options & found some underbed storage bags that are HUGE in Lidl along with other plastic boxes so we can stack everything away in cupboards & get them out when needed. I also found some really cheap hanging storage which we can use for his baby toiletries by the new changing station that sits on a chest of drawers & another will go downstairs somewhere, probably in the kitchen! It just feels a lot more like we know where everything is now & there's a better sense of order.
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On restoring our space.
Friday, 27 January 2023
My new favourite space in the house is our little corner in the living room by the window with this beautiful rocking chair so I can sit & read there. Full disclosure, our clothes airer has become a bit of a permnanent fixture just next it because at the moment it feels like a never-ending task to stay on top of that! Whilst Tom was building new furniture, I was listing the old stuff online & we did really well to shift everything. Tom did several trips to the recycling centre to take all the cardboard & I did some charity shop runs & still have a few bags ready to go. I recently saw an idea to put numbers 1-30 on separate pieces of paper & put them in a jar - you pick a number out each day & whatever number you choose is the number of things you need to giveaway/donate. I'm going to try that for February; it can be anything as small as a book, a t-shirt, anything you no longer need. I might not be able to donate that number of things, but I think it will give me a good thing to focus on & will help us continue to declutter. Alongside that, I'm going to have a "no online shopping" month. I found that whilst I took a break from social media I ended up opening more emails from different places advertising sales - so I definitely need to kick that habit! I have actually had a number of hiccups with items getting delivered anyway; I am fairly certain that Evri took on a bad driver & my parcel was stolen (I know it wasn't our usual driver because I saw him the today & asked him about it!) & I have a feeling I'm about to get stung on something we needed for Finn because I didn't realise the shop didn't send all their products directly & I've had it before where some companies won't ship to NI from Mainland UK but no-one ever makes that clear.
For Finn's new room we chose the colour "Nordic Sky" & after seeing lots of winter clothes in the arctic animal theme (which I am SO excited for him to wear!), I found some of the cutest wall stickers to put in places that Finn can see them. I have cried several times throughout this process as I think about how fast time is going (he is 4 months next week!), how quickly he is growing & how he's changing all the time. It's so exciting to see his personality coming out & we loved creating this space for him but I'm sure like every parent, a part of me wants him to stay this little forever! I have just started taking him to the swimming pool as he seems to take after me & is a water baby so I really want to encourage that. I also shed a tear the first time I took him there! For the first few months of taking Finn out, I/we had only been staying fairly local so didn't take loads of things with us but as we are going out more often & for longer, I decided to finally invest in a "mum" backpack which has 18 pockets & is the best thing ever! It fits all our swimming gear & bottles/flasks & everything else we could possibly need! I found it on Amazon (I know not everyone agrees with this!) & it was 20% off but is really good quality.
Doing all this work helped me to see that ultimately with whatever project I come up with, I am always seeking peace. That is why the word "Shalom" is at the centre of our home. I really believe that a peaceful home makes for a more peaceful life & to me it just feels better to have some sense of order about the place. Of course, having toys laying around & the laundry hanging are the things that make it lived in so I hope it will always have that balance. I've noticed lately that when I take Finn out he is so much quieter than when he's at home which shows me this is the place he feels safe & comfortable, so we must be doing something right!
This weekend I am taking a whole day to myself to go off to the big smoke - I've only had one day on my own since Finn was born that was just for me & that was cut short because I was so worried about getting out of the house quickly before he woke up that I forgot my phone! I keep planning all the shops I'll browse & how many coffee shops it's reasonable to visit in one day. For now, Finn has woken up from his morning nap, the laundry is calling & soon he will be hungry again!
Much love x
coffee shops
Northern Ireland
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On finding our place.
Saturday, 14 January 2023
I can't believe it's coming up to four years since I moved to NI. The amount that has happened in that time, both good & bad, is impossible to quantify! Having moved around a few times, I've learnt that there are certain things I need to have in place before somewhere truly feels like "home." I'm sure this list would be different for everyone, but it dawned on me this week that I do feel like I've finally found my feet here, particularly in the village we have lived in for almost a year.
Walking is truly one of my favourite pastimes, not only is it the best way to get to know a place, but I find it helps you notice the seasons more as you watch the colours changing. And now I have a buddy with me! I take Finn on walks as often as I can because it is so good for us both to get out for some fresh air. It's the best time for me to clear my mind & he usually falls asleep as he loves the white noise & being cosy in his pram. We went down the road one day this week & that is what inspired this post. As we set off, we saw our neighbour coming back from a dog walk & he warned me it was a bit wild by the seafront. We also waved at a fellow regular baby-walker (I think he's a grandad) who always wears a flourescent yellow jacket whilst speed-walking with his pram & goes out at a similar time to me. We saw Tom's Nana's knitting friend who likes to look out for Finn as we walk past her house most days & she regularly hears about him & we waved at one of two delivery drivers who love to chat to us when they drop parcels off. The one who I know a bit better asked me this week if & when Finn would be getting a sibling!! Once we got home, I sat & thought about how nice it is to walk around & feel like you know people in your area. For this reason, a regular walking spot is definitely something I need in "my place."
I have a few different walks that I used to do most weekends by myself as Tom is usually working but I'm only just starting to feel brave enough to do those by myself with Finn. It's a lot to get used to all the extra things you need to take with you & I like to go out as soon as he's finished a feed because that gives me maximum time to relax & enjoy the walk & usually a coffee. Funnily enough, most of my favourite walks end up in a good coffee shop, which I'll talk about more below. But, if you're ever in the area, these are my favourites:
Bridewell Coffee - Donaghadee // Firebox - Ballywalter // Haptik - Newtownards // Copeland Distillery - Donaghadee // Joxer - Bangor // Lekker - Greyabbey
It will be unsurprising for many who know me, but finding the right 'regular' coffee shop is an absolute must. I was recently thinking about the coffee shop back home that we spent half of our teenage years in - it was always our meeting point & we spent every Saturday in there for years, plus at some point nearly all my friends worked there, including myself. They did such a good chicken & pesto mayo sandwich that I need to recreate! Since then, I've not really had my regular spot. But I stumbled upon one recently (pictured above & below) that I went to with a visiting friend & just knew it was the one. It's pretty tiny but it has a gorgeous view, lovely coffee & locally made treats plus a nice little walk around the grounds that we can enjoy afterwards. We had a visit there yesterday & it was such a sweet little trip where Finn fell asleep so I enjoyed a hot coffee in peace.
There are lots of other things that I think make a place feel like home. I am not really one for getting 'pampered,' but I do love getting my nails done & had my favourite spot in Yorkshire that I loved going to for different treatments. I've been looking for the right place for a while & have finally found someone who is local & does my nails how I like them. She is very reasonably priced & getting my nails done is one of the only times I go out in an evening these days so it's something I want to keep up with when I can a few times a year. I just went recently & decided to go super girly with pink & a glitter top!
I mentioned in the last post that we are busy making changes in our home to make it more functional. A few different things arrived this week so we are almost ready to start the re-arranging. We need to choose a paint colour for the only room we are painting & then we can start building the furniture. I was able to shift a lot of our other things through Marketplace which has freed up some space & then this week I plan on going to a couple of my favourite charity shops to drop off some donations. I've never used Vinted but I want to sit & put some baby clothes on there & see how that goes! We've just put down the classic foam tiles so Finn can test out tummy-time & laying on his back on there. I bought them before he was born because they were on offer (!) but the health visitor came this week & said he is definitely ready to roll (at 3 months!) so we want to give him a comfortable space to test that out. I ordered one new print with a quote that I have loved for many years & found the cutest design from Violet & Alfie via Etsy (they were all discounted!) so I am excited to find a frame for that & add it to the corner of the living room that I'm imagining will be a bit of a reading nook.
This week has been a much better pace for me than the weeks that preceeded & I am definitely starting to feel more on top of things. I've enjoyed being back in the kitchen because I've hardly cooked lately so this week I wrote a big list & went out to do the food shop whilst Tom was at home with Finn. It feels like forever since I had a meal plan but this week I made Tom's favourite 'fruity curry,' a beef hotpot & I've put our favourite BBQ pulled chicken in the slow cooker for tonight. We've had some lovely walks but taken it easy after Finn had his 2nd vaccinations this week. I started taking vitamins again & feel like I have more energy, plus it helped me finally kick my sore throat post-Covid! Everything just feels a lot more peaceful, something which I hope will continue for as long as possible. Much love xx
I chose to share my day in cups of tea today because we are about to start a new routine. From next week, I will be returning to work part-time but working from home. We have also just begun to re-surface after Covid entered the house, so we had an extended Christmas break with the three of us at home. Upto now we have left things fairly relaxed with the baby & a natural rhythm has emerged. But as we are on the cusp of teething & potentially sleep regression, we thought we would try bring a greater sense of routine to our days in the hope that it would benefit us all. We are all night owls which is a bit unfortunate so we are going to start with bedtime by trialling putting Finn to bed & watching him on the monitor, followed by an earlier bedtime for us to help us get more organised in the morning. So, here goes... 9am Our day started at 3am today as Finn woke up & was hungry. For some reason, he woke up several times before that wanting his dummy back so I had a pretty disturbed night up to that point. Tom did the nightfeed & then we all got back to sleep until about 8am. After feeding, changing & dressing him, I put Finn in his beloved bouncer whilst I made my first coffee of the day. My pod machine was a Christmas gift after I'd had a Nespresso machine before & switched but then I missed it! So I got out my old favourite cup which I used to use every morning when I left the house at 7am to commute to Belfast. How I don't miss those days! Anywho, today was the first time I took Finn to a baby massage class so it was a hectic morning getting everything ready. By the time we had arrived he was fast asleep and didn't wake up until nearly the end of the class, so he only got a very brief bit of massage on one leg! After this I went to pick up a prescription and we had a quick walk along the sea front. Quick being the operative word as it was so windy!
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My day in cups of tea.
Monday, 9 January 2023
My first confession is that this theme is taken straight from a regular feature in my favourite magazine, The Simple Things. I always enjoy reading about how other people live their days & I have been watching a bit more YouTube recently which has probably also inspired this post. I have seen various 'vlogs' or 'vlogmas' series' but some of it goes a little bit too far for me in terms of oversharing! I was watching someone recently who has a baby a month or so older than mine but she shares a daily vlog - I can only imagine how much harder everything is if she is having to film & edit every day - not something I'd like to spend my time doing! But I have taken a break from social media for a while & felt myself drawn to writing again because it is more of an outlet for me & feels like a better use of my time than constant scrolling. I've been thinking too about how much Finn might see me pick up my phone throughout the day & I don't want him to think me sitting on my phone is more important to me than his needs.
We returned home & I hoped I'd have chance to grab my breakfast after just having a banana before we left. Of course, I took one mouthful of cereal & Finn decided he was hungry again too! I'd just boiled the kettle ready for a cup of tea so I got to sit down & enjoy that after feeding Finn. We did used to have a daily contact nap but Finn didn't seem to want that anymore until yesterday when I was stood up bouncing him & he fell fast asleep on me. To my surprise, he did the same thing this afternoon & has stayed asleep which has given me the chance to sit & start this post! Whilst he was sleeping it gave me chance to catch up on some TV; I finished up the new series of Emily in Paris, watched the 1st episode of series two of Love Life (Netflix) & the 1st episode of The Great Pottery Throw Down (Channel 4).
After I put Finn down to continue his nap, I decided it was time to put some of our decorations back up. I took down all the festive ones right after Christmas, but haven't replaced them yet with our usual things so everything looks a bit bare at the moment! We are in the midst of making some big changes to the layout of the house to create a home office space & move Finn into the bigger bedroom so we will be painting & building lots of furniture! We collected a 2nd hand daybed yesterday & have been selling bits of our furniture that we won't need anymore along the way to clear space. I've been searching the sales & found some really good bargains, most of which arrive tomorrow so that will keep Tom busy as he is the builder of things!! Overall, we need everything to be more functional for us & now seemed a good time to do it before Finn is walking about. Whilst doing my other daily jobs in the house, like cleaning the bathroom or food prep, I've been listening to "Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley," which is an interesting podcast that talks about small changes you could make in life. I've also been listening to "All in the Mind," from BBC Radio 4.
As part of our new routine, we are trying out a bath, bottle, bed approach. Finn absolutely LOVES the bath & kicks like crazy when he's in there! I bought a Nuby watering can for the bath & as soon as he sees it he gets so excited. He has very sensitive skin like I do & we've found the best stuff for him is Child's Farm. It can be quite expensive (I always buy it on offer!) but it lasts ages. The scents are all gorgeous & the nappy cream really works. I sit & write this section at 9.30pm where Finn has been asleep now for a good hour & we are sat intently watching him on the monitor & missing him! But, given that he's already having a good rest, we know a routine is what he needs. P.s. I'm now on the decaf!
I became quite fixated on skincare when I was pregnant & that has become an important part of my daily routine. I'm sure there should be some stuff that would be better done in the morning, but I like to think it will all sink into my skin overnight. I always go to the Boots sale at Christmas & this year I managed to find some nice sets of No7 skincare so I've been using that. I also found the 'Glow' facial brush which is a good exfoliator for me so I've been using that every day too. I got a free pot of Weleda Body Butter with my magazine subscription & it works so well for my skin. As does the Child's Farm handcream which I got free with an order from Boots.
I've also been trying to read again & always compile a small list throughout the year to pop on my Christmas list. I have a good pile now to work my way through, so when time allows I have been diving back into reading. After reading his previous book; "The Diary of a Bookseller," I asked for the follow up title by Shaun Bythell and have been working my way through that. It's a small book so I'm sure it won't take me long!
Overall, it has been a busy but productive Monday for me! In between Finn's naps, I had to sort out various appointments that start up again this week like his next Health Visitor appointment & vaccinations. It was so nice to have a break from all that during Christmas but the house visits should get less frequent now. The rest of the week will be a similar level of activity but will be my last week at home just Finny & me before things change again. I'm so grateful that I can still be at home with him & he can spend a bit more time with his daddy & other family.
Thanks for reading xo
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