My new favourite space in the house is our little corner in the living room by the window with this beautiful rocking chair so I can sit & read there. Full disclosure, our clothes airer has become a bit of a permnanent fixture just next it because at the moment it feels like a never-ending task to stay on top of that! Whilst Tom was building new furniture, I was listing the old stuff online & we did really well to shift everything. Tom did several trips to the recycling centre to take all the cardboard & I did some charity shop runs & still have a few bags ready to go. I recently saw an idea to put numbers 1-30 on separate pieces of paper & put them in a jar - you pick a number out each day & whatever number you choose is the number of things you need to giveaway/donate. I'm going to try that for February; it can be anything as small as a book, a t-shirt, anything you no longer need. I might not be able to donate that number of things, but I think it will give me a good thing to focus on & will help us continue to declutter. Alongside that, I'm going to have a "no online shopping" month. I found that whilst I took a break from social media I ended up opening more emails from different places advertising sales - so I definitely need to kick that habit! I have actually had a number of hiccups with items getting delivered anyway; I am fairly certain that Evri took on a bad driver & my parcel was stolen (I know it wasn't our usual driver because I saw him the today & asked him about it!) & I have a feeling I'm about to get stung on something we needed for Finn because I didn't realise the shop didn't send all their products directly & I've had it before where some companies won't ship to NI from Mainland UK but no-one ever makes that clear.
For Finn's new room we chose the colour "Nordic Sky" & after seeing lots of winter clothes in the arctic animal theme (which I am SO excited for him to wear!), I found some of the cutest wall stickers to put in places that Finn can see them. I have cried several times throughout this process as I think about how fast time is going (he is 4 months next week!), how quickly he is growing & how he's changing all the time. It's so exciting to see his personality coming out & we loved creating this space for him but I'm sure like every parent, a part of me wants him to stay this little forever! I have just started taking him to the swimming pool as he seems to take after me & is a water baby so I really want to encourage that. I also shed a tear the first time I took him there! For the first few months of taking Finn out, I/we had only been staying fairly local so didn't take loads of things with us but as we are going out more often & for longer, I decided to finally invest in a "mum" backpack which has 18 pockets & is the best thing ever! It fits all our swimming gear & bottles/flasks & everything else we could possibly need! I found it on Amazon (I know not everyone agrees with this!) & it was 20% off but is really good quality.
Doing all this work helped me to see that ultimately with whatever project I come up with, I am always seeking peace. That is why the word "Shalom" is at the centre of our home. I really believe that a peaceful home makes for a more peaceful life & to me it just feels better to have some sense of order about the place. Of course, having toys laying around & the laundry hanging are the things that make it lived in so I hope it will always have that balance. I've noticed lately that when I take Finn out he is so much quieter than when he's at home which shows me this is the place he feels safe & comfortable, so we must be doing something right!
This weekend I am taking a whole day to myself to go off to the big smoke - I've only had one day on my own since Finn was born that was just for me & that was cut short because I was so worried about getting out of the house quickly before he woke up that I forgot my phone! I keep planning all the shops I'll browse & how many coffee shops it's reasonable to visit in one day. For now, Finn has woken up from his morning nap, the laundry is calling & soon he will be hungry again!
Much love x